Abel Bonnard, poeta, scrittore e politicofrancese, disse: “La ricchezza illumina la mediocrità”. E questa storia ne è unesempio, una storia che potrebbe essere stata scritta da Molière, da Aristofaneo da Benjamin Jonson, una commedia piena di risvolti tragici e grotteschi, incui nessuno è davvero innocente, e in cui il denaro, tantissimo denaro, è ilpezzo di formaggio dentro una trappola in cui ogni personaggio, come un topo,entrerà per strapparne un morso, vedendoci non un’esca, ma, come si dice oggi, la propria “opportunità”.

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Michael Goguen
Goguen said the allegations were 'a "last gasp" attempt by recently convicted felon Matthew Marshall to cause my family and I as much damage as possible before his upcoming sentencing.' Marshall is a former employee of Goguen who was one of four ex-workers to file a lawsuit against him
Matthew Marshall
Goguen was fired by Sequoia Capital, a Silicon Valley venture capital firm, after he was sued by Amber Baptiste (above), who claimed that she was sexually and physically abused by him
Amber Baptiste
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Whitefish durante una parata natalizia
Sheffield strip club protesters granted judicial review | Sheffield | The  Guardian
L'interno dello Spearmint Rhino
Robert Young Pelton on Twitter: "@TripKrant @JackMurphyRGR @MichaelGoguen  @DeliverFund Interesting group. Anthony Aguilar, John Maguire, Keegan  Bonnet and Matthew Marshall. Maguire did the solid for Prince's boys when  they gave Blackwater logo
Una rarissima immagine, ora rimossa, di John Maguire






